Since its beginnings, the majority of content for GameMaker has revolved around teaching and sharing. In this spirit, we continue the trend; obj_podcast is a gamedev-centered podcast featuring members of the GameMaker community, both professional and hobbyists. Topics range from the path to an indie dev's success, to the intricacies of GameMaker, to developers' favorite foods.

The expansive GameMaker community is known for its inclusive, close-knit relationships, and attracts people from many different backgrounds, each with unique stories to tell. This podcast is your one-stop-shop to find them all.

obj_podcast is hosted by some of the most proficient members of the community; lazyeye, meseta and Seabass. The current intro and outro were composed by Grace, and our logo is by baku.

We have lots more content including a whole new podcast stream and blog posts over at our Patreon page. Come join us!

if (inv_visible) { var _inv_y_span = obj_camera.height - inv_slot_size * inv_height; var _cor_x = (obj_camera.width - inv_slot_size * inv_width) / 2; var _cor_y = -obj_camera.y_offset + _inv_y_span / 2 - 64; var _inv_x = x - obj_camera.x + _cor_x; var _inv_y = y - obj_camera.y + _cor_y; if (mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { var _gmx = floor((mouse_x + obj_camera.width / 2 - obj_camera.x - _inv_x) / inv_slot_size); var _gmy = floor((mouse_y + obj_camera.height / 2 - obj_camera.y - _inv_y) / inv_slot_size); if (median(_gmx, 0, inv_width) == _gmx && median(_gmy, 0, inv_height) == _gmy) { var _drop = inv[# _gmx, _gmy]; if (_drop) { inv[# _gmx, _gmy] = 0; inv_filled--; textbox_add("Dropped " + ore_name[_drop], -1, true); } } } draw_set_alpha(.84); for (var _y = 0; _y < inv_height; _y++) { for (var _x = 0; _x < inv_width; _x++) { draw_set_color(_y * inv_width + _x < inv_slots ? $471a24 : $240b87); draw_rectangle(_inv_x + inv_slot_size * _x + 1, _inv_y + inv_slot_size * _y + 1, _inv_x + inv_slot_size * (_x+1) - 2, _inv_y + inv_slot_size * (_y+1) - 2, false); var _cell = inv[# _x, _y]; if (_cell > 0) { draw_sprite(ore_sprite[_cell], 0, _inv_x + inv_slot_size * _x, _inv_y + inv_slot_size * _y); } } } var _xoff = 4; var _size = 32; var _w = _size * 2.4; var _i = 0; for (var i = 0; i < item_count; i++) _i += item[i] && 1; if (_i) { draw_rectangle(_inv_x + inv_width * inv_slot_size + 1, _inv_y + 1, _inv_x + inv_width * inv_slot_size + _w, _inv_y + _i * _size - 1, false); } draw_set_alpha(1); draw_set_color(c_white); draw_set_halign(fa_right); draw_set_valign(fa_middle) var _i = 0; for (var i = 0; i < item_count; i++) { if (item_sprite[i] + 1 && item[i]) { var _x = _inv_x + inv_width * inv_slot_size + _xoff; var _y = _inv_y + _i++ * _size; draw_sprite(item_sprite[i], 0, _x, _y); draw_sprite(spr_x, 0, _x + _size + 3, _y + _size / 2); draw_text(_x + _w * .9, _y + _size / 2, string(item[i])); } } draw_set_halign(fa_left); draw_set_valign(fa_top);} if (!surface_exists(gui_surf)) gui_surf = surface_create(obj_camera.width, obj_camera.height); surface_set_target(gui_surf); draw_clear_alpha(hit_timer > 0 ? c_red : c_white, hit_timer / hit_time); var _hullpx, _shrink; var _y = 2; var _x = 2; var _fh = string_height("OUADBynbasdnio/") + 2; if (hull > 0) { _hullpx = ((hull - 2.4) / (hull_max - 2.4)) * 19; _shrink = min(hull, 3) / 3; if (_shrink == 1) draw_sprite_ext(spr_hull_bar, 1, _x, _y, _shrink, _shrink, 0, c_white, 1); if (_shrink == 1) draw_sprite_ext(spr_hull_bar, 2, _x, _y + 28, 1, -(hull / hull_max) * .7, 0, c_white, 1); draw_sprite_ext(spr_hull_bar, 3, _x + (1 - _shrink) * 16, _y + (1 - _shrink) * 28 - _hullpx + (1 - _shrink), _shrink, _shrink, 0, c_white, 1); } draw_sprite(spr_hull_bar, 0, _x, _y); _x += 30; if (fuel > 0) { _hullpx = ((fuel - 2.4) / (fuel_max - 2.4)) * 19; _shrink = min(fuel, 3) / 3; if (_shrink == 1) draw_sprite_ext(spr_fuel_bar, 1, _x, _y, _shrink, _shrink, 0, c_white, 1); if (_shrink == 1) draw_sprite_ext(spr_fuel_bar, 2, _x, _y + 28, 1, -(fuel / fuel_max) * .7, 0, c_white, 1); draw_sprite_ext(spr_fuel_bar, 3, _x + (1 - _shrink) * 16, _y + (1 - _shrink) * 28 - _hullpx + (1 - _shrink), _shrink, _shrink, 0, c_white, 1); } draw_sprite(spr_fuel_bar, 0, _x, _y); _x = 2; _y += 32; draw_text(_x, _y, "Depth: " + string(-ceil(y / 6.4)) + "ft"); _y += _fh; draw_text(_x, _y, "$ " + string(money)); _y += _fh; surface_reset_target(); draw_surface_ext(gui_surf, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, c_white, sprite_index == spr_explosion ? 1 - image_index / image_number : 1); if (state == state_player_death) var _xoff = obj_camera.width - 32 - (obj_camera.x / (chunk_width * grid_size)) * 4;var _yoff = 18 - (obj_camera.y / (chunk_width * grid_size)) * 4; var _lcc = ds_list_size(loaded_chunks); for (var i = 0; i < _lcc; i++) { var _chunk = loaded_chunks[| i]; draw_sprite(sprite56, _chunk[? "modified"], _xoff + _chunk[? "x"] * 4, _yoff + _chunk[? "y"] * 4);}/*draw_sprite(sprite56, 1, _xoff + floor(obj_camera.x / (chunk_width * grid_size)) * 4, _yoff + floor(obj_camera.y / (chunk_width * grid_size)) * 4);*/draw_sprite_ext(sprite56, 0, _xoff + (obj_camera.x / (chunk_width * grid_size)) * 4 - .5, _yoff + (obj_camera.y / (chunk_width * grid_size)) * 4 - .5, .25, .25, 0, c_aqua, 1);var _cam_right = floor(obj_camera.x + obj_camera.width / 2);var _cam_top = floor(obj_camera.y - obj_camera.height / 2);var _cam_left = floor(obj_camera.x - obj_camera.width / 2);var _cam_bottom = floor(obj_camera.y + obj_camera.height / 2); var _chunk_right = floor(_cam_right / (chunk_width * grid_size));var _chunk_top = floor(_cam_top / (chunk_height * grid_size)); var _chunk_left = floor(_cam_left / (chunk_width * grid_size)); var _chunk_bottom = floor(_cam_bottom / (chunk_height * grid_size)); if (!surface_exists(surface)) surface = surface_create(obj_camera.width, obj_camera.height);surface_set_target(surface);draw_clear_alpha(c_white, 0);for (var _y = _chunk_top; _y <= _chunk_bottom; _y++) { if (_y < 0) continue; for (var _x = _chunk_left; _x <= _chunk_right; _x++) { var _chunk = world_get_chunk(_x, _y); var _rmx = _x * chunk_width * grid_size; var _rmy = _y * chunk_height * grid_size; draw_chunk(_chunk, grid_size, _x * chunk_width * grid_size, _y * chunk_height * grid_size, max(floor((_cam_left - _rmx) / grid_size), 0), max(floor((_cam_top - _rmy) / (grid_size)), 0), min(floor((_cam_right - _rmx) / (grid_size)) + 1, chunk_width), min(floor((_cam_bottom - _rmy) / (grid_size)) + 1, chunk_height)); } } surface_reset_target(); draw_surface(surface, obj_camera.x - obj_camera.width / 2, obj_camera.y - obj_camera.height / 2);var _lcc = ds_list_size(loaded_chunks);if (_lcc >= chunk_minload) { var _cam_right = obj_camera.x + obj_camera.width / 2; var _cam_top = obj_camera.y - obj_camera.height / 2; var _cam_left = obj_camera.x - obj_camera.width / 2; var _cam_bottom = obj_camera.y + obj_camera.height / 2; _cam_right = ceil(_cam_right / (chunk_width * grid_size)); _cam_top = floor(_cam_top / (chunk_height * grid_size)); _cam_left = floor(_cam_left / (chunk_width * grid_size)); _cam_bottom = ceil(_cam_bottom / (chunk_height * grid_size)); for (var i = 0; i < _lcc; i++) { var _chunk = loaded_chunks[| i]; var _x = _chunk[? "x"]; var _y = _chunk[? "y"]; if ((_lcc >= chunk_maxload && (_x < _cam_left || _y < _cam_top || _x > _cam_right || _y > _cam_bottom)) || _x < _cam_left - 1 || _y < _cam_top - 1 || _x > _cam_right + 1 || _y > _cam_bottom + 1) { chunk_save(_chunk); ds_list_delete(loaded_chunks, i--); _lcc--; } } } alarm[0] = chunk_update_interval;if (!instance_exists(obj_world)) { console_log("End Drill State:", 2); state_end_player_drill(state_player_move); exit; } var _grid_size = obj_world.grid_size;var _yoff = _grid_size/2.2; if (!drilling) { var _x = floor((x + lengthdir_x(_grid_size / 2, drill_dir)) / _grid_size) * _grid_size + _grid_size / 2; var _y = floor((y - 12 + lengthdir_y(_grid_size / 2, drill_dir)) / _grid_size) * _grid_size + _grid_size / 2; drill_dir = point_direction(x, y - _yoff, _x, _y); drill_grid_x = _x / _grid_size; drill_grid_y = _y / _grid_size; if (drill_spd * (1 - (y / room_height) < (7 / room_speed)) || world_grid_get(floor(drill_grid_x), floor(drill_grid_y)) <= 0) { state_end_player_drill(state_player_move); exit; } drilling = true;} /* if (drill_grid_x < 0 || drill_grid_y < 0 || drill_grid_x > _grid_width || drill_grid_y > _grid_height) { state_end_player_drill(state_player_move); exit; } */ x += lengthdir_x(drill_spd * (1 - (y / room_height)), drill_dir);y += lengthdir_y(drill_spd * (1 - (y / room_height)), drill_dir);var _dist = point_distance(x, y, drill_grid_x * _grid_size, drill_grid_y * _grid_size + _yoff); if (_dist % (32 / 4) < 1) { with (instance_create_layer(x, floor(y) - 13, "Effects", obj_drill_hole)) { image_angle = random(360); image_xscale = random(.3) + .7; image_yscale = random(.3) + .7; destroy = DHD.DRILL; } } if (_dist <= drill_spd) { var _cell = world_grid_get(floor(drill_grid_x), floor(drill_grid_y)) - 1; if (_cell > 0) { var _did = (!inv_add(_cell)) var _name = string_lower(obj_world.ore_name[_cell - 1]); if (_did || inv_filled >= inv_slots) { textbox_add("Inventory Full!" + (_did ? " Destroyed " : " +1 ") + _name); } else { textbox_add("+1 " + _name); } } world_grid_set(floor(drill_grid_x), floor(drill_grid_y), 0); //chunk_save(world_get_chunk(floor(drill_grid_x) div obj_world.chunk_width, floor(drill_grid_y) div obj_world.chunk_height)); state_end_player_drill(state_player_move); exit; } drill++; /// @func state_player_movevar _dir = point_direction(0, 0, key_xaxis, key_yaxis);var _grav = (grav - yvel) * fric;yvel += _grav;if (key_xaxis != 0 || key_yaxis != 0) { xvel += (xacc + lengthdir_x(spd, _dir) - xvel) * fric; var _min = 8; if (key_yaxis < 0) yvel += (yacc + lengthdir_y(spd + _grav / fric, _dir) - yvel) / (_min + inv_filled * 5 / room_speed) * _min * fric; if (key_xaxis != 0) image_xscale_target = sign(key_xaxis); // Change module if (key_yaxis > 0 && module_active != MODULE.DRILL_Y) { module_prev = module_active; module_active = MODULE.DRILL_Y; module_interp = 0; } else if (key_yaxis < 0 && module_active != MODULE.PROPELLER) { module_prev = module_active; module_active = MODULE.PROPELLER; module_interp = 0; } } else { xvel -= xvel * fric; } if (key_yaxis == 0 && module_active != MODULE.DRILL_X) { module_prev = module_active; module_active = MODULE.DRILL_X; module_interp = 0; } image_speed = abs(xvel);var _prev_xvel = xvel; var _prev_yvel = yvel; /* var _cam_right = ceil(obj_camera.x + obj_camera.width / 2);var _cam_top = floor(obj_camera.y - obj_camera.height / 2); var _cam_left = floor(obj_camera.x - obj_camera.width / 2); var _cam_bottom = ceil(obj_camera.y + obj_camera.height / 2);_cam_right = ceil(_cam_right div (chunk_width * grid_size));_cam_top = floor(_cam_top div (chunk_height * grid_size)); _cam_left = floor(_cam_left div (chunk_width * grid_size));_cam_bottom = ceil(_cam_bottom div (chunk_height * grid_size)); /* if (!noclip && instance_exists(obj_world) && world_meeting(x + xvel, y)) { var _sgn = sign(xvel); while (!world_meeting(x + _sgn, y)) { x += _sgn; } xacc = -xvel * fric / 8; xvel = 0; } x += xvel; if (!noclip && instance_exists(obj_world) && world_meeting(x, y + yvel)) { var _sgn = sign(yvel); while (!world_meeting(x, y + _sgn)) { y += _sgn; } yacc = -yvel * fric; yvel = 0; } y += yvel;if (yvel == 0) { xvel -= xvel * fric * 2; }if (xvel == 0 && key_xaxis != 0 && key_yaxis == 0 && yvel == 0) || (yvel == 0 && key_yaxis > 0 && key_xaxis == 0) { if (!state_wait && angle_difference(dir_last, _dir) < 28) { if (drill < drill_boundary) { drill++; } else { drill = 0; drill_dir = _dir; drill_start_x = x; drill_start_y = y; xvel = 0; yvel = 0; state = state_player_drill; } } else drill = 0;} else drill = 0;dir_last = _dir; if (yvel == 0 && _prev_yvel != 0) { var _dis = _prev_yvel - yvel; if (_dis > 200 / room_speed) { hit_timer = hit_time; hull -= _dis * 4; } } if (place_meeting(x, y, par_store) && magnitude(xvel, yvel) < 160 / room_speed) { var _shop = instance_place(x, y, par_store); if (_shop != shop_entered) { shop_entered = _shop; camera_xoffset = _shop.x - x; camera_yoffset = _shop.y - y; draw_menu = _shop.object_index; _shop.customer = id; state = state_player_shop; xvel = 0; yvel = 0; } } else shop_entered = noone;
